
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Announcing a Deadline for the Challenges

I made my two challenges to prove a point - the deniers are making claims that are false. I have succeeded in making that point. To date, there has been no scientifically valid submission to the challenges. I know, deniers will rant on about how I was wrong in my response, but no one has been able to show a scientific reason why.

So, I am announcing both challenges will come to an end at the end of this month. After midnight (CDT) July 31, 2014 no more submissions will be accepted. That will give anyone plenty of time to go ahead and make a submission. You can't complain that I didn't give you enough time. I first posted the challenge April 10, 2012 so deniers have had over two years to make submissions.

One of my promises has been to post all original challenges with my response (the requirement in the challenge was the submission had to be first in order to win). They have been coming in at a heavy pace lately and it is taking me time to get to them all. But, I will. I will post all challenges with my response within 61 days of the close of the challenge - September 30, 2014. It you feel I missed your submission please let me know and I will address your complaint.

Again, all submissions to the two challenges (the Global Warming Skeptic Challenge and the Scientific Evidence Challenge) must be made before midnight (CDT) on July 31, 2014 (before the clock goes over to August 1).

All original submissions will be posted with my responses before September 30, 2014.

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