
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Corporate CEO's Speak Out

In an open letter, published in Financial Times, 43 international CEO's from major corporations called upon world leaders to act on climate change. This is very good news. If we can get people other than scientists to urge action, especially powerful, influential people, then we might be able to get something done.

This letter was in the lead-up to the meeting that will be taking place in Paris this December to work on a climate change treaty. Let's hope enough pressure will be put on the world leaders they will find a way to get something meaningful done.

However, I believe we need to brace ourselves. The global warming deniers managed to spring some dirty tricks right before the last two conferences in an attempt to sabotage them. It is not unreasonable to expect them to do it again.


  1. I thoroughly wonder whether the oil companies are gonna put out another stunt petition or something in response.

  2. A tragedy of the commons scenario I think.

  3. "Hopefully, no one will be buying either of them."

    You don't want people to buy the books?

    I still buy books because I like to read them in bed before sleeping. I don't like the eBooks because they give me eyestrain and some say the brightness of the screen is not good for sound sleep.

  4. The climate change denier industry will indeed pull some stunts before Paris. From their point of view it is the most effective time to do it to counter media attention on Paris, and to generate their own free publicity.

    I notice they have had a crack at The Merchants of Doubt documentary. Just like Years of Living Dangerously they are saying it was a box office flop, Naomi Oreskes is a bad person etc.

  5. I want to avoid looking as if I'm doing it for the money.

  6. Did you take that picture at the Oasis? That umbrella looks kinda familiar.

  7. My brother took it and I believe that is where he did it. Good eye.

  8. At least CEO's from 43 companies are displaying the fact that some of them have a grasp on science well enough to recognize the snow job constantly perpetrated by human-caused climate change deniers. We desperately need a world in which educated men, understand the reality which confronts all of us! These CEO's obviously have enough knowledge to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done!
