
Thursday, May 28, 2015

California Initiative Has Polluters Pay For Low-Income Solar

California's cap-and-trade system on polluters has raised over $1.6 billion. Now, the Grid Alternatives initiative will use $14.6 million of that to put solar power systems on homes of qualifying low-income families.There will be no cost to the family and it is estimated it will save each family up to $1000 a year in electricity costs. That's a lot of money for some of these families.

This is a great idea. The ones creating the pollution will be the ones paying for it and the people suffering the most from the pollution will be the ones benefiting the most from this program. And, at the same time, it is working to reduce fossil fuel emissions. They hope to install the system on 1600 homes by the end of next year. Oh, and job training is being used to help install them, which means a lot of people are getting valuable training for good jobs.

I don't know how the deniers are going to complain about this, but I am sure they will. After all, it hurts their billionaire fossil fuel buddies, so there has to be something wrong with it. Right?


  1. Great program! Funny how cap and trade policies can do so much good, while wealthy corporations and their executives, still remain filthy rich anyway?

  2. Makes you wonder why they are so opposed to them.

  3. The point you brought up, concerning the fact that deniers ignore real science deliberately, is a real smoking gun---ethically speaking. If all of the bogus claims deniers made were the products of genuine ignorance or honest mistakes when analysing data, they could easily be forgiven and then persuaded to change their opinions, but the fact that they know better, yet are deliberately obfuscating this issue, makes them deliberate liars who blatantly ignore our need for a safe and habitable climate---often for greedy personal motivations---not the least of which is money! So, the fact that they are criticized and refuted, has nothing to do with unfairness, persecution, or repression! Challenging their lies is completely justifiable and necessary, because this one is about US!---all of us!

    One doesn't want to be a jerk, but if one has been adrift in a life raft for several months and has had very little water or food, and one catches a fellow sufferer trying to drink all of the remaining fresh water, its only natural that one might decide to punch the offender in the face, or even toss him overboard. That's kind of way deniers are threatening the Earth and all its inhabitants--while climate change delivers ever increasing dangers for us to face, they continue lying, deceiving and falsifying the truth which could potentially solve our problems or at least make sure extreme climate disruptions will not become daily events. They are the hangmen at the gallows--keeping their identities and faces concealed as they decapitate their unwitting victims--I wonder if hangmen too, are well bought and well paid for?

  4. Mr. Roy Spencer is a former scientist that has embraced creationism and rejects science. He has been caught falsifying his data and results more than once. Anyone referring to Spencer is automatically wrong. But, we already knew that about you, Voodude. Please take your deceptions somewhere else of I'll start blocking you.

  5. Here's a cherry-picked version of what you did with a one year increment.

    Here's all of the satellite data.

  6. I think you should have done that about 300 comments ago.

  7. Yes, I should have. But, I try to let people comment on both sides of the issue. This guy is a paid troll and just wants to take over my blog. It's time for him to go.

  8. And, we don't. Remember, I did the plots myself and they weren't anything like you claim. You are merely in the business of falsifying results in order to deceive. Troll.

  9. Just as a jury is authorized to decide guilt or innocence based on whether either is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it is entirely natural to call your motives into question in regards to the organizations you belong to, and the things you have written or said in the past---enough with the don't pick on me strategy, please just answer some simple questions---what things in the video are false, and what is your proof that they are false?

  10. Hey, let's use your logic:

    There are more black areas than blue areas... and if one adds WARM to NORMAL, it eclipses the cool areas...

  11. Thanks for this.

    He is at work here.
