I am opening up the discussion to guest submissions. There are, of course, a few rules:
1. This is a blog about global warming and climate change. If you want
to discuss something else, there are plenty of venues for that. Please,
stay on topic;
2. Keep the language family-friendly;
3. Please avoid personal attacks;
4. You own the copyright to any submissions, but I have the right to reproduce it, in whole or part, as I wish;
5. You may post anonymously, if you wish. Just ask;
6. All postings are open for comments and rebuttals;
7. I have the right to refuse to publish any submission and, once
published, I have the right to remove any and all submissions;
Pretty simple.
I feel the topic is broad enough that I don't need to expand it.
Anything relating to climate change and global warming will qualify.
Obviously, I follow the science and am a supporter of anthropogenic
climate change. That is not a requirement for a submission. You may make
a submission that is contrarian, if that is what you wish (see rule
number 6 above). I would appreciate it if you included a title for your
submission. Otherwise, I will give it a title I feel is most
representative of the posting. All guest submissions will be annotated
as such.
If you wish to submit a guest posting, simply write it up and send it to the email at the top of my blog: