While at nowhere near the level of the university researchers,
I personally have received quite a bit of harassment and threats. People have
sent me emails and comments that can only be described as vile. I have been called
many things and have been threatened with several lawsuits. Unfortunately for
them, I don’t intimidate very easily. I come from a different kind of
background than most scientists and the prospect of a fight doesn’t scare me.
Thus, enter Russell Cook, who I fondly refer to as the
Heartland Institute’s henchman. Cook has appeared in my comments many times
making many bizarre, even incomprehensible claims, but always with the apparent
intention of harassment in an attempt to silence or undermine me. If I comment on submissions from known
fossil fuel lobbyists, such as Tom Harris, it takes only a short while before
Cook shows up to attack me. Note, he doesn’t defend the denier, he attacks me.
That is his modus operandi.
Who is this guy, Russell Cook? Like I said, he is affiliated
with the Heartland Institute and his webpage with that anti-science
organization lists him as an “unpaid contributing editor” and is responsible
for investigating Ross Gelbspan. Notice, there is no mention of being paid on a
free-lance basis. So, it would be entirely possible for Cook to be paid by
Heartland without ever showing up on their books. That is how these things
work. Continue reading and you will below how Heartland is actually paying him, despite their claims.
Why does Heartland feel it is necessary to have someone with
the job of investigating a particular journalist and blogger? Take a look at
who Ross Gelbspan is. He has written two popular books on climate change, TheHeat is On and Boiling Point. And, he’s no light weight. He won the Pulitzer
Prize while working at the Boston Globe.
But, he retired several years ago. So, why are the antiscience people so
interested in him? Well, for one thing he continues his work with regular contributions to
DeSmogBlog.com – one of the websites most hated by the denier world.
Now, it makes sense. And, I have to admit I’m very
flattered. The denier lobbyists think I’m so dangerous they have sent the same
man to harass me that they sent to harass Ross Gelbspan. They may not see it
this way, but I consider that to be a high compliment!
Speaking of DeSmogBlog.com, this is one of the quotes they
had from Cook:
“My conclusion can be readily summarized: the accusation [“that those who express skepticism about the theory of man-made global warming are being paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about the issue”] appears to be a false claim, a myth generated by a small group of enviro-activists with significant direction from ex-Boston Globe reporter Ross Gelbspan.”
Note to Cook: ExxonMobil has admitted providing funds to denier groups for years. So much for credibility.
Recently, Cook has appeared on my blog with some ad hominem
attacks. I initially intended to simply ignore them as the ramblings of someone
who has left reality, but instead decided they need to be turned into a posting.
These comments quickly degenerated in diatribes. I have provided the two most
egregious examples below for your perusal so you may see I am not misquoting
him or taking him out of context. The crux is, they graphically demonstrate his harassment technique while, at the same time, demonstrating he has a total lack of credibility.
Having said that, let’s wade into this mess and take a look
at some of the things he said.
You openly say the "evidence is massive, conclusive and irrefutable", yet when I challenged you last year via the three different analogies of presenting evidence at a courtroom evidentiary hearing, or to prove a pure hearsay sighting of a rare bird, or to satisfy the demands of a Washington Post-style legendary news editor, you struck out rather than hit what should have been home runs.
Cook last year challenged me to a debate. Sounds good and
I’m willing to do that. Except, the terms of his debate were that we both put up
$10,000 and the money would go to a charity of our choice. Nice. His fossil
fuel buddies pay his $10,000 and I have to take $10,000 out of my savings. I
would have to be an idiot to accept that and he would have to be an idiot to
think I would. But, that wasn’t the goal. The goal was to make it look as if I
was afraid to meet him in public debate. Not only am I not afraid of debating
the issues in public, but have sent challenges, including one to his Heartlandcomrade John Coleman. By the way, they acknowledged receiving my challenge, but never responded.
The other challenge Cook made was for me to produce evidence
deniers are funded by the fossil fuel industry and have instructions to undermine
climate science. Unfortunately for Mr. Cook, this was pretty easy and I did a
large posting on the subject. My evidence consisted, among other things, of
documents filed with the SEC and the IRS, court documents, and internal memos.
Cook says this is all invalid because I don’t have secret recordings and
canceled checks. Well, Mr. Cook, you don’t get to decide what constitutes
evidence and proof. Of course, he doesn’t have to worry about that. All he has
to do is keep repeating the same lie and there will be people who believe him.
Included in those original challenges was a veiled threat of
a lawsuit. Mr. Cook insists it wasn’t a threat, but when I showed the comments
to two lawyers, they both agreed it was a case of making a threat without
actually making a threat. The purpose, they told me, was to make it clear to me
the threat was on the table without saying anything I could exploit against him. When
I stated the first thing I would do if sued would be to subpoena Heartland’s
financials, he stopped making the threat. Surprise.
What follows next is a whole series of personal attacks.
What this has to do with the subject matter is never
revealed. What is of particular interest is how Cook accuses me ‘name calling’
when I say Tom Harris is a paid shill for the fossil fuel industry. See my
posting here on that topic. So, why did Cook engage in this attack? You’ll have
to ask him.
You don't read my blog. I read yours. I read your heroes' books, articles, I watch interviews of them and their own video presentations. But you just shot yourself in the foot with a cannon again - you don't read opposition material because it undermines all that you BELIEVE.
Again, what does this have to do with the subject matter?
But, it has a lot to do with Russell Cook. How in the world does Mr. Cook know
what I do and don’t read? No, I don’t read his blog. I tried once but it has no
value, even in the realm of denialism. However, I read denial blogs,
statements, articles, etc. on a nearly daily basis. I need to stay informed on
what the deniers are lying about. It is a occupational hazard. Sorry, Mr. Cook,
but you are the one who shot yourself in the foot. You have demonstrated your
lack of credibility in a big way.
You only believe I'm employed by Heartland to knowingly spread lies, you believe criticism against your dear leaders is collapsing, and you believe in the 'tobacco industry parallel' talking point, but you literally cannot prove a word of it. Hurl all the accusations you like, and torture yourself to sleep with nightmares of apocalyptic climate mayhem, but ask yourself why it is that you are compelled to pursue this on BELIEFS which are enslaved to erasing criticism, rather than facing it head-on.
You say you read my blog, but then you say I cannot “prove a
word of it.” You may have pointed your eyes at my blog, but you certainly did
not read it. My guess is that you can’t understand the science. And, how could you possibly know how I sleep? This is a great example of how you do business - you merely assume what you want without any supporting evidence, or even a chance of supporting evidence. I can assure you, I have never lost any sleep over you or your cohorts and
I cannot remember the last time I had a nightmare. I simply don’t have them. I
guess that’s the product of a clear conscience. So, how do you sleep at night?
You view me and other critics with unrestrained hatred which tears you apart. I view you as potentially one of the strongest skeptics there could ever be, once you have actually objectively viewed both sides of the issue. You've already indicated you don't read material you oppose. I've probably already read more of your own side's political material than you have, and maybe even more of the scientific material than you have, that's why I am as confident as I am, and that's why I have confidence in a positive outcome for you.
Live in whatever alternate reality, 911Truther/ChemTrail-style conspiracy-driven world you wish, there is no way on Earth you can prove I didn't first arrive here at your blog purely on my own volition, nor can you prove I've questioned the veracity of yours and others regurgitations of the 'industry-corrupted skeptic climate scientists' accusation for the last 7+ years under the direction/payment of ANYBODY.
Well, most of this is nothing more than personal attacks and
is irrelevant to the issues. But, let’s take a look at one of these comments.
He states he doesn’t work under the direction/payment of anybody. Then, explain
this from DeSmogBlog:
After January 2013, with his “savings drawn down to a critical level,” the Heartland Institute offered Cook a “$12,000 strings-free grant to enable [him] to continue devoting time to [the] subject.
So, he really is receiving payment from someone to
continue his attacks and that someone just happens to be one of the worst of
the denier institutes. Once again, Mr.
Cook has demonstrated a total lack of credibility.
You don't read my blog. I read yours. I read your heroes' books, articles, I watch interviews of them and their own video presentations. But you just shot yourself in the foot with a cannon again - you don't read opposition material because it undermines all that you BELIEVE. As I've said now at ClimteCrocks, DesmogUK and elsewhere, look in the mirror and repeat as often as it takes until you get it: "It doesn't matter what I believe, it only matters what I can prove!"
You only believe I'm employed by Heartland to knowingly spread lies, you believe criticism against your dear leaders is collapsing, and you believe in the 'tobacco industry parallel' talking point, but you literally cannot prove a word of it. Hurl all the accusations you like, and torture yourself to sleep with nightmares of apocalyptic climate mayhem, but ask yourself why it is that you are compelled to pursue this on BELIEFS which are enslaved to erasing criticism, rather than facing it head-on.
This is your wake up call. Read my blog, read skeptic climate science assessment, watch skeptic presentations, do some critical thinking, and you can look forward to the uplifting prospect of being freed from your own unsupportable ideology. As I said at the end of one of my Breitbart pieces ( http://www.breitbart.com/big-j... ) several years back, quoting a famous US movie line, "Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss."
You view me and other critics with unrestrained hatred which tears you apart. I view you as potentially one of the strongest skeptics there could ever be, once you have actually objectively viewed both sides of the issue. You've already indicated you don't read material you oppose. I've probably already read more of your own side's political material than you have, and maybe even more of the scientific material than you have, that's why I am as confident as I am, and that's why I have confidence in a positive outcome for you.
I did, and you continue to sidestep every challenge I put to you to back up the core assertion of the accusation.
Meanwhile, what's up with the "the sold[sic] job of attacking one particular blogger" line? What blogger? Show us all exactly where it says that. Surely you don't actually believe the "Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist" Ross Gelbspan is a mere blogger, do you?? Really???
The IPCC, all the world's science agencies, the world's scientific papers -- Russell Cook doesn't see any of it. Only a conspiracy originally led by someone named Gelbspan (who I'd never heard of until Russell introduced me to him, which is pretty strange since Cook has singled me out on his website for special consideration because of my deceptive, underhanded ways. Seeing as right now I have no connection to any environmental organization, it's really quite flattering that Cook singles me out as some kind of paragon green freak.) Nevertheless one has to admire his ability to tightly pack turns of phrase. He's thrown the same kind of dense, attack-dog barrage at me. So it is a service you are doing deconstructing it clause by clause. But look how much column space and energy that consumed! Reaffirming that Mark Twain had it right, "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Winston Churchill apparently amended that to pants.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the space and energy. That is why I tend to not address comments like this. They are either trolling and trying to take up my time, or they are using the Gish Gallop and are trying to bury me with so many questions I can't possibly answer them all. But, this one was worth the effort. Now, every time he shows up, I can simply provide a link to this posting.
ReplyDeleteLooks like he did a pretty good job with his SAT vocabulary. He'd actually make a fairly decent English professor.
ReplyDeleteI don't deny that. One of the sad things to find out how many of these deniers are quite skilled. I've met many who are, quite frankly, really great people. Too bad they're psychotic.
ReplyDeleteIt is concerning that climate scientists face harassment and threats while trying to inform the public.