Sunday, July 15, 2018

EPA Science Advisory Board Nominations

I am interested in serving on the EPA science advisory committees and it has been announced that nominations are being accepted. I have attached the email from the EPA below. I am looking for people who would care to nominate me. I have already self-nominated myself and have asked some others to help. Any help will be appreciated. If you are not interested, you don’t need to read any further.

Here is the link to the federal announcement:

I am interested in serving on the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) or the EPA Drinking Water Committee (DWC).

I have done research in planetary geophysics, atmospheric physics, Sun-Earth connection, and climate change for over 25 years. I have published two books on climate change and did the $10,000 Global Warming Skeptic Challenge. I have no government grants and am not supported by industry, so I am free of any conflicts of interest.  I was a career officer in the US Navy and US Navy Reserve and am very familiar with government procedures and regulations. I can provide my resume (curriculum vitae (CV)) and contact information, if you’re interested in nominating me. Contact me at to get any information you would need for the process.

Again, any help will be greatly appreciated. You may share this posting as often as you like.


Nominations for chartered SAB or its Standing Committees

Dear Colleague,

Knowing of your interest in serving on the SAB, I wanted to let you know that the Federal Register Notice announcing that the EPA is seeking nominations of candidates to serve on the SAB and its standing committees was published on July 9 and the SAB Staff Office is accepting nominations. I have attached the Federal Register notices and provided links to the SAB web pages to provide additional information.

Please feel free to distribute this email, nominate a candidate or distribute this information to potential candidates. If you are willing to serve again, please consider nominating yourself.

If you have any questions for me regarding nominees, the process, potential nominees, or other topics please do not hesitate to contact me.

SAB Nominations website for more information

Link to the form to nominate candidates


Thomas Carpenter
Designated Federal Officer / Sr. Biologist
US EPA Science Advisory Board, MC 1400R
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20460
ph 202 564 4885 Fax 202 565 2098